KJO Participates in MEOS GEO 2023 - Bahrain

On 19 to 21 February, 2023, Khafji Joint Operations (KJO) participated in the Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Geosciences Conference & Exhibition (MEOS GEO) â 2023, in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
After inaugurating the Exhibition by H.E. Sheikh Khalid Bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister, his excellency and the accompanying delegation visited KJO corner, in the presence of AGOC Chairman, Eng. Khalid Al-Buraik, and was received there by C-JEC Eng. Ali S. Al-Ajmi and A/C-JOC Eng. Nayef A. Al-Anazi, who presented his excellency with a memorial gift. Group pictures were taken for his excellency with Al-Buraik, Al-Ajmi and Al-Anazi, together with the Executive Directors and Managers.