C-JOC Inaugurates @KJO_News
KJO Launches its Official Twitter Account

On Tuesday, October 1, 2019, C-JOC Eng. Azeb Al-Qahtani inaugurated KJOâs official twitter account @KJO_News. The first tweet included the following text: "In the name of Allah the Merciful .. Here KJOâs official account". The launch took place in his office, and in the presence of EDI Abdullah Al-Qahtani, MPG Eng. Riyadh Al-Hassan, C-JOC Executive Secretary Bander Al-Shammari, Media Affairs Superintendent Falah Al-Ajmi, and E-Publisher Faisal Al-Otaibi.
PGD gave visual presentation was conducted by Osama bin Al-Awda, in which he addressed the mechanism of publishing through KJOâs twitter account. The account will be limited to publishing operational news and official publications links.