KJO Executive Directors Conducts EMSR

KJO Managers and Executive Management at KJO office Park before the visit
KJO Executive Directors conducted EMSR visit to OFD and EDD late December 2012. The inspection visit started on 9am sharp, when the Executive Management and KJO Mangers gathered at KJO office Park main entrance. Forming three groups the management took different itinerary to number of facilities to inspect safety implementation measures and verify safety reports. The first group was headed by C-JOC Eng. Abdullah Al-Helal and EDO Eng. Muhammed Al-Khatib. The second group was headed by EDH Eng. Hussein Al-Rashoud and EDB Eng. Abdulaziz Al-Mansoor. The third group was headed by EDP Eng. Mutlaq Al-Khodair and A/EDI Suleiman Al-Rasheedi.
The inspection visit was concluded with a meeting at KJO office park, where the Executive Directors and Managers discussed the safety reports of the visit. The meeting explored major safety implementation procedures and the process to improve safety at KJO.