Medical Services Department Review their Achievements, Projects and Works

On Thursday, the 18th of December, MSD conducted their monthly meeting which is one of the meetings that the Industrial Services group is conducting on a continuous basis. The meeting was conducted in the Meeting Room on the 3rd floor of the main building. It was attended by EDI. Eng. Mohammad Al-Subaei, A-MPG Saleh Al-Ruwaili, A-MIS Eng. Sultan Al-Sadoun, MCB Khaled Al-Ali, and a number of Superintendents and Supervisors of MSD as well as other KJO departments. The meeting was a presentation on the department's overview of achievements, projects, and work progress.

Eng. Al-Subaei started off the meeting by pointing out the necessity of complying with safety regulations and workflow regulations and adhering to all safety procedures. Then the meeting's chairman, A-MMS Dr. Saud Al-Theeb welcomed everyone and introduced the department's superintendents and supervisors to the attendees and gave the floor to Robbie Mohammad Contacts Adminstrator, whom gave a presentation on the Safety Moment. Mohammad then presented the meeting's agenda which consisted of KJOH Medical Activities, ESR, Capex Projects, KPI, Training, Initiatives, and Achievements.

After all presentations were given, a thorough discussion of what has been presented by the department and the necessary observations were made. Al-Subaei stressed the importance of staff development and achieving the goals set for each department in the schedules specified. At the end of the meeting, Al-Theeb thanked MSD's employees on their interaction in the presentation, and Eng. Al-Subaei also thanked the audience for listening and interacting.

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